
Showing posts from March, 2018

Travel Magazine Cover Assignment

  I have used a lot of the Design Principals, it provides Balance/Contrast, Rhythm/Repetition, Emphasis/Alignment, and finally Unity/Proximity. I think this cover meets the requirements, and the Design Principals blend in nicely.

Understanding Design Principals

Image                                                        Some of the Design Principals on this Magazine cover are, Balance/Contrast-  because the man's face is covered with a helmet but you can see different colors around him, but where he has the white suit it really balances it out. Rhythm/Repetition-  is also another design principal, the style of the image stays the same and blends in well together. Emphasis/Alignment- You can see the color in the man's helmet, and the text that is used really pops with the sky in behind. Unity/Proximity- All of the cover has the same color tones, and only two different fonts appear on the cover. Overall this cover seems to meet the design principals.